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Rank Name Team App B/Dish B/D R/Dish R/D P W Ave % % + Wins
1 Matt Barker Break & Dish 20 3 1 60 50 83.3% 133.3
2 Dave Snell Temple 21 3 0 63 50 79.4% 129.4
3 Danny De Freitas Refugees 21 1 1 60 46 76.7% 122.7
4 Connor Davies Refugees 17 0 1 51 40 78.4% 118.4
5 Carl James Refugees 16 0 1 41 34 82.9% 116.9
6 Tony De Freitas Silva Foxes 16 0 0 46 36 78.3% 114.3
7 Clayton Coates Danny’s Dogs 18 2 2 52 39 75.0% 114.0
8 Ryan Durrand Danny’s Dogs 22 0 0 65 44 67.7% 111.7
9 Tony Fernandes Silva Foxes 21 0 1 63 43 68.3% 111.3
10 Danny Brannan Danny’s Dogs 20 1 1 58 40 69.0% 109.0
11 Carlitos Fernandes The Updatedogs 22 3 2 66 43 65.2% 108.2
12 John Carswell Royal 16 0 0 45 32 71.1% 103.1
13 Felipe Vieira Silva Foxes 22 0 0 66 41 62.1% 103.1
14 Mário Felisberto The Updatedogs 20 0 0 51 34 66.7% 100.7
15 Ady Bougourd Refugees 9 0 0 27 21 77.8% 98.8
16 IVO MIHALKOV The Updatedogs 21 1 1 60 37 61.7% 98.7
17 Micheal Anfray Break & Dish 20 0 1 60 36 60.0% 96.0
18 Peter Gay Silva Foxes 18 1 1 51 32 62.7% 94.7
19 Jordi Etchells Danny’s Dogs 15 1 0 45 29 64.4% 93.4
20 Matthew Bignell Break & Dish 6 0 0 18 14 77.8% 91.8
21 Steve Hassett Break & Dish 21 0 1 62 35 56.5% 91.5
22 Orrin Hughes Refugees 10 1 0 28 20 71.4% 91.4
23 Brett Campbell Refugees 14 1 0 42 27 64.3% 91.3
24 Dino Cardoso The Updatedogs 20 2 1 57 33 57.9% 90.9
25 Fabio Andre Cardoso The Updatedogs 15 0 0 32 21 65.6% 86.6
26 Gary Singh Danny’s Dogs 20 1 0 53 30 56.6% 86.6
27 Scott Crawford Danny’s Dogs 20 0 1 56 31 55.4% 86.4
28 Renato Abreu Trafalgar 13 0 0 37 23 62.2% 85.2
29 Sean O’Brien Refugees 19 0 0 37 23 62.2% 85.2
30 Craig Lester The Brit 21 0 0 61 32 52.5% 84.5
31 Keith Row Temple 21 1 0 62 32 51.6% 83.6
32 LEANDRO PESTANA The Updatedogs 13 0 1 36 22 61.1% 83.1
33 Trevor Johnson The Brit 21 0 0 54 29 53.7% 82.7
34 Eddie Brown The Brit 22 0 0 65 32 49.2% 81.2
35 Scott McKenzie Trafalgar 22 0 0 65 32 49.2% 81.2
36 Reece Sefton Hit N Hope 18 0 0 54 28 51.9% 79.9
37 Ron Duncan Refugees 19 1 1 44 24 54.5% 78.5
38 Amandio Moinhos Silva Foxes 13 0 0 37 21 56.8% 77.8
39 Chris Alexander Temple 10 2 1 28 17 60.7% 77.7
40 Avelino De Sousa Silva Foxes 13 0 0 29 17 58.6% 75.6
41 Dane Mealing Break & Dish 14 1 0 42 22 52.4% 74.4
42 Duncan Harris Royal 20 1 1 59 27 45.8% 72.8
43 Alan Williams Break & Dish 9 0 0 26 15 57.7% 72.7
44 Jim Le long Temple 15 0 0 44 22 50.0% 72.0
45 Simon Shrive Hit N Hope 21 1 0 64 28 43.8% 71.8
46 Barry Pitts Royal 19 0 0 48 23 47.9% 70.9
47 Reece Sarre Royal 15 0 0 43 21 48.8% 69.8
48 Charlie Hassett Break & Dish 5 0 2 15 9 60.0% 69.0
49 John Austick Break & Dish 1 0 0 3 2 66.7% 68.7
50 Stephen McAlister Trafalgar 13 1 1 39 19 48.7% 67.7
51 Miguel Coehlo Royal 5 0 0 10 6 60.0% 66.0
52 Loyd Dolby Royal 17 0 0 48 21 43.8% 64.8
53 Tom Robinson Shipwright Shooters 21 0 0 60 24 40.0% 64.0
54 jonathan davies Trafalgar 15 0 0 43 19 44.2% 63.2
55 Stefan Bendon Hit N Hope 15 1 0 45 19 42.2% 61.2
56 Gerry Brown Royal 17 0 0 45 19 42.2% 61.2
57 Jack Pollack Shipwright Shooters 22 0 0 66 24 36.4% 60.4
58 Marco Varela The Updatedogs 10 1 0 28 13 46.4% 59.4
59 Brian Leggett The Brit 13 0 0 37 16 43.2% 59.2
60 Chris Fortune Temple 20 0 0 43 17 39.5% 56.5
61 Billy Page Hit N Hope 11 0 0 33 14 42.4% 56.4
62 Jonathan Le Maistre Pembroke 17 0 0 48 18 37.5% 55.5
63 Paul Woodlock The Brit 18 0 1 51 18 35.3% 53.3
64 Ben Hamilton Royal 2 0 0 4 2 50.0% 52.0
65 Craig Dickson Trafalgar 18 0 0 49 17 34.7% 51.7
66 Martin Vasev Pembroke 11 0 0 27 11 40.7% 51.7
67 Andy Hollingsworth Pembroke 18 0 0 50 17 34.0% 51.0
68 Danny Newton Temple 19 0 0 47 16 34.0% 50.0
69 Robbie Sutherland Silva Foxes 5 0 0 14 6 42.9% 48.9
70 Stefan Craven Break & Dish 7 0 0 17 7 41.2% 48.2
71 Carlos Viera The Brit 18 0 0 51 16 31.4% 47.4
72 Mick Mcafee Hit N Hope 16 0 0 47 15 31.9% 46.9
73 Eric Lugger Temple 4 0 0 12 5 41.7% 46.7
74 Pat Blong Shipwright Shooters 19 0 0 56 16 28.6% 44.6
75 Charlie Norton Hit N Hope 19 0 0 57 16 28.1% 44.1
76 Dave Moore Shipwright Shooters 10 0 0 30 10 33.3% 43.3
77 Craig Neilson Pembroke 10 0 0 30 10 33.3% 43.3
78 Phil Maletroit Trafalgar 16 0 0 47 13 27.7% 40.7
79 Felipe Valente Silva Foxes 6 0 0 18 6 33.3% 39.3
80 Alan Wilson Pembroke 20 0 0 58 14 24.1% 38.1
81 Kenny Flood Break & Dish 3 0 0 9 3 33.3% 36.3
82 Paul Nolan Shipwright Shooters 3 0 0 9 3 33.3% 36.3
83 David Leverty Temple 6 0 0 16 5 31.2% 36.2
84 Victor Hollingsworth Pembroke 18 0 0 46 11 23.9% 34.9
85 Clive De Sousa Break & Dish 1 0 0 3 1 33.3% 34.3
86 Will Harris Royal 1 0 0 3 1 33.3% 34.3
87 Stuart Mackay The Brit 1 0 0 3 1 33.3% 34.3
88 Neil Taylor Silva Foxes 1 0 0 3 1 33.3% 34.3
89 Liam Fernandes Royal 9 0 0 22 6 27.3% 33.3
90 Dave Robinson Shipwright Shooters 22 0 0 65 13 20.0% 33.0
91 Neil Whitbourn Trafalgar 7 0 0 15 4 26.7% 30.7
92 Jean Rivoallan Pembroke 2 0 0 4 1 25.0% 26.0
93 Ryan watson Trafalgar 6 0 0 16 3 18.8% 21.8
94 Cameron Neilson Pembroke 13 0 0 35 5 14.3% 19.3
95 Adam Davies Trafalgar 7 0 0 19 3 15.8% 18.8
96 Taylor Wilson Shipwright Shooters 10 0 0 28 4 14.3% 18.3
97 Andre Lees Hit N Hope 2 0 0 6 1 16.7% 17.7
98 Joseph Thunder Pembroke 3 0 0 7 1 14.3% 15.3
99 Tylor Bolton Pembroke 6 0 0 14 1 7.1% 8.1
100 Mark Fromage Shipwright Shooters 5 0 0 14 1 7.1% 8.1
101 Sarah Shrive Hit N Hope 6 0 0 18 1 5.6% 6.6
102 Andy Allen Hit N Hope 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0
103 Ian Bailey Shipwright Shooters 1 0 0 2 0 0.00% 0.0
104 John Barlow The Brit 1 0 0 1 0 0.00% 0.0
105 Matt Godel Danny’s Dogs 1 0 0 1 0 0.00% 0.0
106 Frank McCafferey The Brit 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0
107 Harry Meacham Pembroke 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0
108 c n Pembroke 2 0 0 4 0 0.00% 0.0
109 Tel O Hagan The Brit 2 0 0 4 0 0.00% 0.0
110 Brad Roemaro Pembroke 1 0 0 1 0 0.00% 0.0
111 Scott Slicer Royal 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0
112 Alfie Sutherland Hit N Hope 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0
113 Joseph Thunder Pembroke 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0
114 Claudio Viera Silva Foxes 1 0 0 3 0 0.00% 0.0